Beatitudes Puzzle

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Print out this page, then cut out picture of fence and each of the 8 fence posts. On back of each fence post write the 8 blessings.
Be sure and write on the correct fence post.
fence post 1 ~ Kingdom of Heaven.
fence post 2 ~ Comforted
fence post 3 ~ Posses the Earth
fence post 4 ~ Satisfied
fence post 5 ~ Obtain Mercy
fence post 6 ~ Shall See God
fence post 7 ~ Called Sons of God
fence post 8 ~ Kingdom of Heaven.
Have children put the puzzle together by matching each beatitude with the blessing.
(2 blessings are the same ~ Kingdom of Heaven.)

CLICK HERE for online Beatitudes Puzzle

Click HERE for Beatitudes Story Lesson Beatitudes

Craft Ideas for Beatitudes Lesson

CLICK HERE for Beatitudes in Matthew 5: 1-12